

Designed to treat the dirtiest applications, the Aeris-S operates by converting problematic materials into compounds that can be managed and transported more easily and safely to the post-pump abatement (either locally or in the central scrubber). Plasma treatment occurs between the chamber and roughing pump, protecting the pump, foreline and abatement system from rapid solids accumulation and premature failure or clogging.

Like the zero-footprint Aeris-G units, the new Aeris-S units sit in the existing pump footprint for each chamber and are placed before the pump to treat the exhaust gases before they accumulate and create problematic solid deposits that can lead to clogging, pump failure, maintenance hazards and unplanned downtime.





  • Magnetically confined and capacitively coupled plasma source for a wide operating range
  • Proprietary trap design for solids accumulation during deposition and solids removal during chamber clean
  • Low material build-up within foreline and pump by eliminating particles in the chamber exhaust
  • Tool interface for smart operation
  • Data collection and reporting—can be interfaced to customer monitoring systems




  • Reduces pump, foreline and abatement annual maintenance costs and tool downtime
  • Reduces levels of flammable, explosive or toxic exhaust gases and potentially hazardous reactive solids downstream of the chamber
  • Improves wafer yield at deposition stage
  • Fits easily into existing exhaust lines, requiring only power, cooling water and clean gas connections
  • Provides almost zero-footprint and low installation costs