A vast number of articles and publications have been prepared based on results generated by Applied® Picosun® ALD tools. You can search a selection of them in Applied® Picosun® Article Bank.


Inventing the Next Breakthrough in ALD Technology Together

As the true ALD innovators, we’re investing in developing it further with the help of other ALD enthusiasts, so we’re inviting you to join us in taking the next step forward together. We offer our flexible platform and equipment, you bring the innovation. Together we coat a better future.

Our mission is to take ALD where it has never been before and to enable a whole new generation of disruptive ALD-based solutions throughout the industrial field. We work with the leading semiconductor, microelectronics, and medical companies, and collaborate and network with the world’s top universities and research institutes. We participate actively in international research programmes. The mission is to develop ALD technology for e.g. remote healthcare and safer medical devices, smart power and sustainable industrial manufacturing, and next generation computing, mobile communications and data transfer.

Excellent ALD Film Quality and Operational Flexibility

Applied® Picosun® R-series ALD tools are market leaders in R&D ALD systems. They are used in the world’s leading universities, research organizations and corporations alike. Our customers work in basic research as well as new product development on a wide variety of applications, from semiconductor devices to flexible electronics, quantum computing, future lighting solutions, sustainable energy production, advanced pharmaceuticals, and aerospace engineering.

The beauty of all Applied® Picosun® ALD systems is their common core design, which makes results achieved in the R-series R&D tools easily upscalable to production systems.

Applied® Picosun® R-series ALD tools are famous for the excellent quality ALD films they produce and for their operational flexibility. Their reactors are extremely reliable, easy to use and fast to maintain and service. They have a long service life.

R-series tools can be fitted with plasma and ozone sources, precursor sources for solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals, as well as several in situ analysis equipment such as an ellipsometer, RGA and QCM. Their interchangeable reaction chambers enable deposition on single wafers, non-wafer 3D objects, and even powdery substances all within the same reactor frame.

Let’s innovate the future together. One atom at a time.

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